WeResistNow.org is a collection of articles to teach you how to resist a failing government, regardless of your role in society. Much of the writing addresses specific Trump-related threats, but the site also concerns many long-standing issues that came before Trump and will persist after him. Most of the ideas presented here are actions you can take in your personal life, in your community, or in your job.
Do not try to do everything. Don't let this site overwhelm you. Follow what sparks your interest, what is most relevant to you, what is within your skillset, what you have time for.
This site is under development, and many articles are yet to be written. I write and publish when I am able. This site is run by one person.
Subscribe to stay up-to-date.
Before Trump, society faced many threats that will continue during and after his presidency, such as overpriced healthcare, global warming, massive corporations, mistreatment of workers, a deeply entrenched two-party system, exploitation of foreign laborers, and toxic information ecosystems.
Donald Trump won the 2024 Presidency and has major plans to overhaul the way our federal government works. He's quickly chosen department heads who are unqualified and likely to be loyalists to him. Further plans include the erosion of civil servants in the federal government. Republicans control all branches of Government, so there is a real threat his plans will come to fruition.
These changes could reshape civil society as we know it. There are likely to be federal efforts to erode education, regulation of massive corporations, civil rights protections, and our state's abilites to run themselves.
If we are fortunate, the harm will be minimal. If we are not fortunate, our society could see major harm coming to it. If our fears do not come to fruition, then we will have built a stronger community-driven society, which is good regardless what our federal government does, regardless your political ideology.
You and I do not have broad control over our society or federal government. However, when the fed comes for our communities, we can resist. When our government fails us, we can resist. When national and global systems fail us, we must work together.
We must stand together and each work in our corner of society to resist. This website presents ideas for how each of us can take part. This is about communities, about neighbors, and about local action. You do not need to like all my ideas or all of my goals to learn from or be inspired by what I present here.
We do not need a leader. We do not need an organization. We need individuals taking responsibility for their role in the resistance, at every level. I am just one person providing a resource for you.
Foundations For Resistance
We all need to eat, to be sheltered, and to enjoy life. To live in a successful and compassionate society, we need education, medical care, community, transportation, and protection from violence.
Currently, we depend a great deal on our economic system and our large governments to fulfill these needs. To access food and shelter you must work for money, qualify for welfare, utilize charity, or live off the grid.
If you resist, you may lose your job or face imprisonment. Welfare may be eroded as well.
You must reflect on your personal limits of how much you are willing to lose in the effort to resist. Not all of us can. You may need to feed your family, pay your rent or property taxes, care for sick loved ones, or care for your own mental health.
If you cannot resist by defying mandates, you can resist by advocating or providing mutual aid in the form of food, care, shelter, or money.
Specific Resistance
Specific issues to resist, rather than broad categories of issues.
Actions you can take include: Grow food, Provide Housing, Unionize, Advocate, Spread Public Messaging, Serve Your Friends & Neighbors, Defy Mandates, and more.
A general guide to resisting a failing government and strengthening communities for more information.
Broad Issues
Issues to act on include: Education, Abortion, Democracy, Climate Change, Immigration, Health, Information, Civil Rights, Workers' Rights.
I write new articles as I am able. Subscribe for updates
- Abortion - Abortion is under threat in many states, and some federal threats could affect states with extensive reproductive freedom.
- Education - America may see a systemic erosion of teachers' rights to legally teach the truth about American History and the world as it is today.
News Stories
You may have seen one of the below news snippets in public. These are truthful stories that highlight ways powerful people are hurting regular folks. Each link below is an article about a specific propaganda-piece. You can print a copy and spread it in your community. Read each article for ideas about actions you can take to address the issues these pieces are about.
- Chiquita Ordered to Pay $38M for Financing Violent Paramilitary Forces in Colombia
- Potato cartel has colluded to raise prices on frozen potatos