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- Feeder for Android - This is what I use. It's free and open source.
- NetNewsWire for iPhone and iPad - highly rated, free, open source, looks simple.
- Feedbro for web browsers: Featured by Microsoft and Mozilla Firefox
Just search 'feed reader' or 'rss' on the app store or browser extension store.
- Other Android Options on Google Play
- Apple recommendations on Reddit
- Inoreader for Chrome is Featured by Google Chrome.
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- Oppose the ban on trans girls in sports - national, state, and local action
H.R. 28 would ban schools from receiving federal funding if they allow trans girls access to sports. You can and should resist this legislation. 2025-01-18
- Specific Issues To Resist
This page will catalogue specific issues to resist, rather than broad categories of issues to resist. 2025-01-18
- Spread News: Potato cartel has colluded to raise prices on frozen potatoes
Tater tots & frozen fries are more expensive because large companies colluded to raise prices. Spread this story to raise awareness. Contact politicians to take action. 2024-12-10
- Spread News: Chiquita Ordered to Pay $38M for Financing Violent Paramilitary Forces in Colombia
Chiquita dominated land in the south, and supported murder and kidnapping, to protect their profits and western consumerism. Learn about this story and spread it to others. 2024-12-10
- A general guide to resisting a failing government and strengthening communities (work in progress)
Ideas that can be applied to any sector in which the government is failing us. Ideas for strengthening communties. 2024-12-07
- Get updates from
Get updates from to see any newly published articles, by using a feed reader app. 2024-12-07
- How everyone can help protect abortion access
Ideas for how anyone can help protect abortion access, including doctors, nurses, cops, people with a few dollars to spare, and more. 2024-12-06
- Resisting misinformation and religious indoctrination in public education
Ideas for how anyone can help protect education, whether you're a teacher, a parent, a school board member, or an advocate in the commmunity. 2024-12-06
- Ways to resist various issues in society
A collection of articles addressing specific issues that you may need to fight against! 2024-12-06
- Spread truthful propaganda to raise awareness and mobilize
Spread important news stories in your community. Printable documents are available to help you with this goal. 2024-12-06
- is online!
The website is online, and ready for sharing! 2024-11-28