
Get Updates From WeResistNow.org

Get updates on BlueSky or via a Feed Reader app (preferred).

Use a feed reader app to get updates from WeResistNow.org, whether you read on Android, iOS, or from your web browser. WeResistNow.org does not send email newsletters and does not post to Social Media. You can also just check this page below for new articles.

Also, a lot of large news organizations publish feeds so you can get your news this way too, and no longer depend on social media algorithms or mainstream TV news to decide what you see.

  1. Get a feed reader app
  2. Add a feed. Just write the website address WeResistNow.org or copy+paste the URL https://weresistnow.org

Whatever app you use, it will likely have options to change appearance to your tastes.

Recommended apps


Just search 'feed reader' or 'rss' on the app store or browser extension store.

Feeder for Android is also available on F-Droid, a free and open-source app-store not affiliated with google.
