
Resisting our failing government and strengthening communities

Work in your corner to make a difference on issues that are bigger than ourselves. Focus on areas where you excel, or areas you're already involved in. Maintain balance and remember to take care of yourself and your family, too.

Decide where you draw your line. Will you lock arms with parents to block ICE from entering your child's school? Will you strike over discriminatory actions your boss takes? Will you break the law to do what's right? Are you willing to lose your job? Think about it, and talk to your loved ones about where they draw their line.

Grow food and share it with people in your community. Anyone with land can take part in this, without any risks. The food you grow could help feed people who take larger risks in the resistance. You might help feed a teacher who gets fired for teaching the truth about American History.

Provide housing to those who need it, whether you're a landlord, own your own home, or rent an apartment. You probably know someone who could risk losing their job, and therefore housing, if they resist certain orders. This could be a cop or soldier who resists unconstitutional orders, a public teacher who refuses to teach religion, or a grocery worker on strike.

Unionize in your workplace. Stand up for your wages, workplace safety, and ethical practices. Talk with your co-workers about how to resist corporate atrocities. Study what your company does, make a plan, and be willing to strike. Ex: College professors could strike if their university invests in oil companies, military contractors, or anti-competitive companies.

Advocate in your local community. Your School Board governs teachers, your city council governs police & businesses & housing. Your local Republican and Democrat parties have relationships with state and federal leaders. Your Board of Health controls funding for public health services. You can speak at government meetings, and talk with attendees at public events.

Public messaging can carry important news. You can hold signs on busy street corners, spread flyers when shopping, write Letters To the Editor in your local paper, buy billboard spots, or pay for ads on the internet or radio or newspaper. For paid messaging, you can crowdfund with friends and ask socially conscious local businesses or non-profits to sponsor.

Serve your friends and neighbors who need help, whether they are disabled, poor, dedicating themselves to the resistance, or something else. Some of us need money or other material resources, some need help with mundane chores like cleaning and laundry, some kids need help with homework, some parents need babysitters.

Defy mandates. Refuse to engage in unethical or unconstitutional behavior. Teachers should teach the truth. Cops should serve their community. Doctors and nurses should provide medical care. Military personnel serve the constitution, not their leader. Civil Servants serve the public.

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