Trump plans to pull federal funding "for any school or program pushing Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children."
America may see a systemic erosion of teachers' rights to legally teach the truth about American History and the world as it is today.
This could brainwash and indoctrinate children into racism, homophobia, and many other awful things. Resistance
Local police enforce the law - not the military, not the national guard. It is local police who show up, arrest you, and jail you for committing crimes.
City Councils and County Boards govern Police and Sheriff departments, and should direct these agencies not to enforce laws that forbid teachers from teaching the truth, if such laws come to pass. Police can also resist on an individual basis.
School Boards govern schools and teachers. They should vote with their conscience to protect education, despite what federal law says.
If schools lose federal funding, it could affect teacher pay and teachers' abilities to feed their families. If teachers resist on an individual basis without local government support, they could lose their jobs.
If you own any land including a front or back yard, you can grow food and help feed your community and support teachers. Get help from neighbors who garden or from a local gardening club.
If you're a landlord, you can reduce rents to cover only what you require. City Councils can pause eviction enforcement.
Churches and school buildings will remain standing and can be used for teaching, with local community support, regardless what mandates say - as long as police don't go arrest everybody.
And anyone can show up at school board or city council meetings to advocate for these things. Anyone can talk to their teacher friends and their neighbors about these issues.
If you own a farm, you can adjust your production to meet basic nutritional needs rather than focusing on cash crops like corn. Closing Thoughts
At the end of the day, we all only truly need food & water, shelter, activity, education, and community. Whereby the federal government attempts to erode civil life, we can work together in our communities to meet basic needs. We do not have to depend on the modern economic system to meet our basic needs.
I hope to write more posts like this one, on other matters of resistance.