
Chiquita Ordered to Pay $38M for Financing Violent Paramilitary Forces in Colombia

A document with news about Chiquita being ordered to pay $38 million for financing violence. The full document is downloadable as PDF below.

Read The Full Story from Jurist.

WeResistNow.org is centered around individual and local community action. For action on this particular story, I recommend printing copies of this story and spreading them in your community. Personally, when I buy bananas, I will be leaving copies of this story in the banana section of the grocery store, so other banana-shoppers can become informed about the company they're buying from.

You can tell your friends and family about this story, after reading it in full. Stories like this are important, as it is a story repeated in many industries - a large company dominates land and hurts locals for the greed of the owners and for western consumers.

I think it is okay to keep buying bananas. At this time, I do not have any strong recommendations for pursuing systemic changes, aside from being more informed yourself, and educating those around you. I do not believe that boycotting bananas will lead to systemic change.

Our policy makers should be aware of stories like these, and should be pressured to address corporate atrocities, where-ever they still exist today. You may wish to email your state or federal representatives about this or other important news stories.

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I may have more specific action and policy recommendations in the future.

File Downloads

Print a few copies of this propaganda to spread in your community, or download and modify the Open Document or DocX version to do with as you please.